Horses for Sale

Available with the Sparrow Santa Spectacular hosted with CowPony Online Sales running December 4th-17th of 2024.
DM Freckles San Sun
DM Freckls San Sun known as Sunny is a true barbie horse! This golden palomino is the prettiest in the pasture, on the trail, or in the arena! If you want a horse that people stop and drool over here he is! Sunny is the perfect 15.0 hands and 11 years old.
Sunny has a smooth neck rein and easy going nature. He's done all the light ranch chores and has lots of experience around cattle. He would excel in the ranch versatility rings, extreme trail competitions or team penning/sorting! Sunny lopes around quietly on either lead, has a nice jog trot, and big stop.
Sunny is confident over logs, bridges, brush, water and bogs. He's happy to perform any circus trick too! He'll pack a flag, play with the tarp, push the yoga ball, or pull the sled.
Sunny is up to date on dental, chiropractic care, worming, vaccinations, and hoof care. Please call or text John (310)208-5686 or Molly (208)566-3050 to learn more about Sunny. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at JM Lazy S Versatility and Family Horses to see updated pictures and video of Sunny as we approach the sale!

Available with the Sparrow Santa Spectacular hosted with CowPony Online Sales running December 4th-17th of 2024.
Gypsy x Quarter Horse Cross Gelding
5 years old 14.3
Joey is up to date on dental, worming, farrier care, chiropractic care, and health/coggins. Joey will also sell with a private riding lesson, at our home facility, to help ease the transition into her new home. Please call John:(208)310-5686 or Molly: (208)566-3050 for more information about Joey.

Available with the Sparrow Santa Spectacular hosted with CowPony Online Sales running December 4th-17th of 2024.
Bingo was his name-o! Every time you ride this guy you'll want to holler out BINGO! You won't find another one like him. Bingo has been used to do just about everything. He's been trail rode, used to gather cattle, done some cross country jumps, done a few playday events, and spent time in the arena.
Bingo is up to date on dental, worming, farrier care, chiropractic care, and health/coggins. Bingo will also sell with a private riding lesson, at our home facility, to help ease the transition into her new home. Please call John:(208)310-5686 or Molly: (208)566-3050 for more information about Bingo.

Available with the Sparrow Santa Spectacular hosted with CowPony Online Sales running December 4th-17th of 2024.
Flora is an athletic and toned, 14.3 hand, 4 year old, beautiful roan colored mare. She has a unique 444 brand on her back completing her look. She’s not just pretty to look at, she’s smooth, sweet and smart with a willing attitude to go any direction. Flora is soft in the face and moves with ease on a direct rein, soft leg cues and voice commands.
Flora is naturally low headed with flat knees, making her a perfect prospect for Ranch Riding and Ranch Pleasure. She’s full of raw talent that hasn’t even been tapped yet. In the right hands that talent will really shine! She has done everything we’ve asked of her in our training program and is ready for next adventure. Flora is smart as can be and loves to learn new things. She’s affectionate without being pushy and she has great ground manners. Flora is easy to catch, lead, load, bathe, shoe, saddle, and bridle.
Flora has been used to gather cattle in the pasture, pack a flag, open gates and she’s pretty great at party tricks! She’ll lay down, side pass over to the mounting block, cross the tarp or even play (yoga) ball with you. Ride her in a group or take her out alone, she doesn’t mind either way. She’s easy to pilot over obstacles, such as logs, water, bridges, bogs and brush.
Flora lopes soft lofty circles on either lead and will even throw in some picture perfect simple lead changes when asked. She has a beautiful extended trot and really uses all of her action and movement to put out a big wow factor. Just a few finishing touches and she’d be top notch Ranch Versatility All Arounder. From her refined, feminine and conformationally correct build, to her sweet demeanor and impeccable talent, this girl is sure to make you a winner in whichever area you desire!
Flora is up to date on dental, worming, farrier care, chiropractic care, and health/coggins. Flora will also sell with a private riding lesson, at our home facility, to help ease the transition into her new home. Please call John:(208)310-5686 or Molly: (208)566-3050 for more information about Flora.

Available privately at our facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas.
Pirate is the best of all worlds! He can enjoy a day on the ranch moving cows, working at the sale barn penning back cattle, or even roping and doctoring cattle in the pasture, then he can head out to follow the hounds on a foxhunt, enjoy some hunter pace or cross country!
There is no end to the versatility of Pirate! Pirate can be low and slow in a western bridle, upward and floaty in an English bridle or lose the bridle completely and ride him with just a rope around his neck!
Pirate's walk, trot, and canter/lope are all beautiful, easy to sit and smooth. Pirate has easy lead departures and voice command transitions. Pirate has a big stop and an easy turn around, either direction. Pirate has a can-do attitude and outlook on life and there isn't anything he isn't willing to try for his partner.
Pirate crosses ditches, bridges, logs, and brush with ease. He is a great trail horse on top of all of his formal arena education! He's confident in a group or alone and is happy to take his rider where ever he is pointed!
Pirate also has a few tricks up his sleeve! He'll side pass up to the mounting block, fence, trailer fender, or log for easy mounting. Pirate will also pack a flag, push the ball, pull a sled, play with a tarp, or enjoy a cool breeze by the leaf blower.
Pirate is up to date on dental, vaccinations, chiropractic care, hoof care, and worming. Pirate will also sell with our optional two day clinic at our home facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas in addition to a comprehensive manual on Pirate's cues, habits, and health information.

Available with
Royal lives up to his name in every way! He's a true form of royalty. He stands a perfect 16.1 with a big pretty hip, lovely head/neck connection, nice long legs, a cute face, and as a soft of an eye that a horse can have. He's 5 years old with more experience than horses three times his age. He rides western, English, and bareback or put him in the cart for a day of picnicking. This big boy is as safe as they come, versatile in every way, and just an all around pleasure to own, train, ride or drive, and be around.
Royal is easy to catch, great with his feet, will stand tied as long as you want, will put his head down for bridling, and is easy to saddle. He does well in a herd and is as kind natured to other horses as he is he to people. He has cattle experience and has performed light ranch chores such as gathering and moving cattle, riding fences, or hauling salt out. He's also no stranger to the English side of things and would excel in the fox hunting world as a hilltopper or in laid back flight.
Royal has a soft and easy lope that feels like a western pleasure horse, his jog trot is easy going and he has a nice big stop when asked. Just say whoa and Royal stops. He's confident over logs, brush, water, bridges, bogs, and just about anything else you can throw his way! He's seen LOTS of dogs, bicycles, farm equipment and more.
Royal LOVES a good party trick and will LAY DOWN with a tap of his knee, carry the flag, drag the tarp or sled, and play with the yoga ball. He will side pass to the mounting block for easy mounting or stand quietly while you climb on up. Royal is also great in traffic and has been to the Sonic, coffee shop, and grocery store both in the carriage and on evening riding adventure!
Royal is up to date on farrier care, worming, vaccinations, dental, chiropractic care, and coggins. Royal will sell with our optional one day clinic at our home facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas. Please call, text, or email John (208) 310-5686 or Molly (208) 566-3050 or for more information about Royal

Available with the Fall Roundup Horse Sale in Heber City, Utah October 12th
Talk about unique! Tarzan is one in a million, he is kind, gentle, a beautiful mover, and full of personality. He stands a perfect and athletic 15.2, with great feet and legs, a keen head and pretty soul catching eyes. Tarzan has done everything too! He’s been a ranch horse and done the ranch chores like loading trucks, sorting in alleys, gathering pastures, and penning back cattle at the sale barn. Tarzan is calm and collected in high pressure environments and thrives on pleasing his rider when he is called upon. Tarzan is also no slacker when it comes to the western arena and has three beautiful gaits: a smooth walk, easy jog or extended trot, and a fluid lope or canter. He would be an excellent western dressage prospect!
Tarzan can be low and slow in a western bridle or put him in the english tack and be upward and forward. He’s seen some cross country jumps as well as done some jumping courses. He’s fantastic with dogs and if you’re looking for a foxhunter or three day eventer this boy can do it!
Tarzan is bold and brave when it comes to the trail too. He’s confident over water, bridges, logs, brush, bogs, and rocks. He’s been rode down route 66 and is easy natured when it comes to motorcycles, motor homes, boats, and bicycles. Not to mention he’s a frequent visitor of the local Sonic!
Tarzan will also carry a flag, play with a tarp, pull the sled, push the ball, and any other party trick you can think of! Tarzan is easy to catch, load, lead, tie, saddle, bridle, shoe, and bathe. He’ll come to the mounting block, fence, trailer fender or log for easy mounting too!
Tarzan is up to date on dental, vaccinations, coggins, chiropractic care, hoof care, and worming. Tarzan will also sell with our optional two day clinic at our home facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas in addition to a comprehensive manual on Tarzan’s cues, habits, and health information. Please call or text John: (208)310-5686 or Molly: (208)566-3050 for more information about Tarzan. We’ll see you in Heber City this Fall “The Place for Good Horses!”
This horse is offered at the Fall Round Up Horse Sale, October 11-12, in Heber City, Utah.

Available with the Fall Roundup Horse Sale in Heber City, Utah October 12th
Salty Headliner
“You only meet your once in a lifetime friends..once in a lifetime.” Porky is the perfect friend you’ve been looking for. His personality is as big MerryLegs’, his nature as wonderful as Black Beauty’s and he’s as a pretty as Ginger. Porky stands a shapely 14.0 hands with a deep side and adorable head. Porky may be small but you would never know it! Porky can do any ranch chore you throw at him. He has sorted alleys, loaded trucks, pen backed at the sale barn, gathered pastures, doctored cattle, and branded calves. If it involves cows Porky can get the job done!
Porky has a easy going neck rein and rides between the bridle reins. Porky is easy to ride and just about anyone would love him! He lopes on both leads, has a smooth jog trot, and a big walk out. Porky sidepasses both directions, turns around his haunches, has great rollbacks, and lovely transitions.
Porky is a confident trail horse and is automatic over logs, water, brush, bridges, bogs, and hillsides. Porky will also carry a flag, push he ball, pull the sled, play with the tarp and enjoy a breeze from the leaf blower.
Porky is easy to catch, shoe, lead, load, tie, bathe, and bridle. Porky is a once in a lifetime sort of friend!
Porky is up to date on dental, vaccinations, coggins, chiropractic care, hoof care, and worming. Porky will also sell with our optional two day clinic at our home facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas in addition to a comprehensive manual on Porky’s cues, habits, and health information. Please call or text John: (208)310-5686 or Molly: (208)566-3050 for more information about Porky. We’ll see you in Heber City this Fall “The Place for Good Horses!”
This horse is offered exclusively at the Fall Round Up Horse Sale, October 11-12, in Heber City, Utah.

Available with the Fall Roundup Horse Sale in Heber City, Utah October 12th
JMS Leavin Lonesome Dove
JMS Leavin Lonesome Dove or Gus is just the horse to make you feel like a real cowboy! Not to mention he’s a movie star himself, with an appearance in the new western movie “The Dead Don’t Hurt.”
Gus is as gentle as they come, broke for just about anyone and he’s absolutely unique and beautiful. Gus stands at a perfect 15.2 hands with a big beautiful hip, cute head and keen ears that would make him beautiful if he was a plain sorrel! He is 7 years old but has more life, ranch, competition and trail experience than horses three times his age.
Gus has been a go to mount for novice guest, tricky ranch chores, or a relaxing trail ride. He’s been used on the ranch to doctor cattle, gather pastures, and brand calves. He’s also been used weekly to pen back calves and cows at the local sale barn. He’s been known to even drag a resistant bull or wild cow back to their pen on occasion. As neat as Gus is in his working clothes, he’s just as awesome out on the town. Gus has been a fun arena horse, riding BAREBACK and BRIDLESS! Gus will lope beautiful collected and slow circles on either lead. Gus has also done some showing and has placed well in ranch pleasure, trail, and western riding. Not to mention Gus has also done some cross country style jumping and would be a super fun foxhunting mount! Even though Gus is multi-talented in many areas he is an absolute pleasure to just ride down the trail. He’s great in the front, middle or back on a group trail ride and he is beverage broke as well!
Gus is easy to catch, shoe, tie, lead, load, tie, saddle, and bridle. Gus has been to the Sonic and local coffee shop and has a collection of little kids and elderly lady admirers he likes to eat snacks from along the way. Gus is also fond of a good party trick and will pack a flag, pull the sled, push the ball or wave the tarp. Gus will also BOW for easy mounting; or come to the mounting block, fence, trailer fender, or log. Gus is good with dogs, traffic, and other farm animals. Gus crosses logs, brush, bridges and water with ease. Gus is genuinely the best of the best!
Gus is up to date on dental, vaccinations, coggins, chiropractic care, hoof care, and worming. Gus will also sell with our optional two day clinic at our home facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas in addition to a comprehensive manual on Gus’ cues, habits, and health information. Please call or text John: (208)310-5686 or Molly: (208)566-3050 for more information about Gus. We’ll see you in Heber City this Fall “The Place for Good Horses!”
This horse is offered at the Fall Round Up Horse Sale, October 11-12, in Heber City, Utah.

Available with the Fall Roundup Horse Sale in Heber City, Utah October 12th
PlayDrift Vaquero
His name is Vegas because owning him is like hitting the jackpot everyday! Playdrift Vaquero or Vegas is an absolute show stopping gelding, there isn’t another one out there like Vegas. As pretty as he is colored, his personality and kind soul is what makes him so special. Vegas adores people and would rather be with you than other horses or in the pasture. If you’re looking for a partner and friend in your horse Vegas is your man.
Vegas is naturally collected in all gaits. He lopes on either lead and easily transitions in between each gait. Vegas has a big stop and easy back too. Vegas would be a fantastic ranch versatility show horse, western dressage, queening, or 4H or local show horse. Vegas is no stranger to cattle either and has competed in team sorting, team penning, and ranch rodeos too. As fancy as Vegas is in town he can shine just as much in his working clothes. Vegas is a great trail horse, confident over logs, water, brush, ditches, bridges, and bogs. He’s also done all the ranch chores, doctoring cattle in the pasture, gathering, branding calves, and penning back at the sale barn. Finally, Vegas has even played in the English world jumping some cross country jumps and playing on English jumping courses. Vegas can truly do it all and is the definition of an all-arounder!
Vegas is easy to catch, lead, load, tie, bathe, shoe, saddle, and bridle. His ground manners are excellent and he is affectionate without being pushy. He is happy to show you his party tricks too and will happily carry a flag, push the ball, pull the sled, or play with the tarp. He’ll also come to the fence, mounting block, or trailer fender for easy mounting. You truly can’t go wrong with Vegas!
Vegas is up to date on dental, vaccinations, coggins, chiropractic care, hoof care, and worming. Vegas will also sell with our optional two day clinic at our home facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas in addition to a comprehensive manual on Vegas’ cues, habits, and health information. Please call or text John: (208)310-5686 or Molly: (208)566-3050 for more information about Vegas. We’ll see you in Heber City this Fall “The Place for Good Horses!”
This horse is offered at the Fall Round Up Horse Sale, October 11-12, in Heber City, Utah.

Available with the Best of the West Horse Sale in Gladstone, New Jersey on September 28th
Badger ​
Badger is the fanciest little horse around! He has all the skill, life experience, and natural talent of any little cutting horse or big warm blood!
He has worked at the sale barn penning back cattle and opens and closes gates with ease. He is also no stranger to a rope, he has doctored cattle in the pasture, gathered and sorted, and done every other type of ranch chore. He crosses water, logs, bridges, ditches, mud bogs, and much more. Badger is great with dogs and has packed flags, played with tarp, and pulled a log.
Badger is as smart as a whip when it comes to learning new things. He is affectionate without being pushy and has great ground manners. He leads, loads, ties, shoes, is easy to catch, saddle and bridle. You can also pull your bridle and ride Badger bridleless and bareback.
Badger is something unique for sure! If you're looking for a small determined foxhunter, hunter pace, or jumper horse here he is! He has a fluid jump and is quite clever when it comes to finding his stride. Badger has excelled in every aspect of our training program and makes every experience a pleasure.
Badger lopes lofty circles on either lead and has a smooth jog trot. Badger has a beautiful extended trot and really uses all of his action and movement to put out a big wow factor. Badger will also come to the mounting block, trailer fender, fence or log for easy mounting.
Badger is up to date on dental, coggins, chiropractic care, hoof care and worming. Badger will sell with our optional two day clinic at our home facility in Baxter Springs, Kansas in addition to a comphrensive manual on his habits, cues, and health information.

Available with the Best of the Midwest Horse Sale in Kansas City, Missouri at the American Royal September 13, 2024
Fools Freckles Shadow
Fools Freckles Shadow affectionately known as PipSqueak is the cutest little horse around! PipSqueak is extremely gentle, extra fancy, unique, and safe for anyone. PipSqueak is 11 years old and stands a perfect and shapely 13.3 hands, he may be little but he is the perfect cross between fancy and ranchy.
Pipsqueak has gathered cattle, been rode to pen back at the sale barn, seen a million miles of trails, and lopes the prettiest circles you've ever seen! If you're looking for the perfect little show horse for your kiddo or your horse to enjoy retirement on PipSqueak is your boy! PipSqueak has a beautiful neck rein and will ride bareback and bridle-less with ease. PipSqueak has a big of stop as any reiner too! His jog trot is smooth and easy and he will lope off in beautiful collected way on either lead.
PipSqueak is great over logs, water, bridges, brush, and bogs. He also loves a good party trick and will pack a flag, pull the sled, push the yoga ball, or play with the tarp. He'll side pass to the fence or mounting block for easy mounting and he's even learning to lay down when asked! PipSqueak is up for anything!
PipSqueak is up to date on dental, chiropractic care, worming, vaccinations, and hoof care! Please give us a call or text John: (208)310-5686 or Molly (208)566-3050 to learn more about PipSqueak. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at JM Lazy S Versatility and Family Horses to see updated pictures and video of PipSqueak as we approach the sale! We'll see you in Kansas City for the Best of the Midwest Horse Sale!